This is a list of answers to questions that people frequently ask about. If you can't find your answer here, feel free to contact us by email.
1. Why was this particular quote chosen for today?
We do not select quotes based on specific days; they are chosen entirely at random. Any relevance or irrelevance to a given day is purely coincidental.
2. What time is the Quote of the Day updated?
The quote of the day is updated at about 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time daily.
3. I couldn't find my favorite quote in your collection. Is there a way to view it?
We don't claim to have every quote. Feel free to contribute
4. Why don't you have any quotes from my favorite author?
Our collection may not be exhaustive. If you would like us to add specific quotes or additional quotes from a favorite author, we encourage you to
send them for consideration.
5. I have a large collection of quotes I'd like to contribute. Is there a preferred way to submit them?
Yes, please feel free to
email them to us in any format. While we appreciate all contributions, we cannot guarantee that every submission will be added to our collection.
6. Why can't I quote myself?
This site is dedicated solely to quotations from renowned individuals and is not intended as a platform for sharing personal opinions on various topics. Numerous other sites are available for posting opinions, but that is not the purpose of this one.
7. I submitted a quote. Why isn't it in the collection?
If you’ve recently submitted a quote, please be patient—submissions are reviewed manually. If it’s been more than a week, here are some common reasons why contributions might not be included:
The quote is already in our collection.
The quote contained typographical errors. Submissions with missing punctuation, capitalization, or spelling errors cannot be corrected on our end.
There’s a potential copyright concern. Song lyrics, in particular, are frequently subject to copyright restrictions.
It’s listed as “anonymous” or “unknown.” We generally reject these as they are often inaccurately attributed.